Sunday, May 1, 2011

We're Here!

I am writing this from an apartment in Cusco! It's absolutely beautiful here . . . We're on the top floor and surrounded by glass so I can see everything from all around. In our room, you can look out the window and see 'El Peru' outlined and some familiar Peruvian symbols outlined. The houses are many different colors and scattered all over the mountain and you can see for miles and miles. It's about 55 degrees and cloudy right now. I can hear so much too; the traffic in the streets and I hear someone singing and playing Spanish music in the streets. Spanish really is a beautiful language. :)

Well, it was a long flight to Lima last night but it was worth it! I came into customs very scared, but the people here are helpful and many speak English. The person who checked me in was actually humming Lady Gaga as she stamped my papers. We stayed in a very nice hotel and ate at Norky's, a place that is famous for their chicken. I had mushroom and tomato pizza. The pop here is very sweet; I was told today that they use real sugar instead of corn syrup like the U.S. does. We drove around Lima but didn't actually tour the city due to lack of time. It was very big and busy, though! This morning, we boarded the plane from Lima to Cusco where I was whisked away by Monica, my host mother. Jon, if you're reading this, your prayers for me were answered:  She speaks English. :) She and her husband work in the tourist industry. Right now, he's in Lima. She hosts students from all over the world year round. As soon as we got here, she made us cacao tea so we could adjust to the high altitude. She made us a delicious meal of spaghetti with soy meat today--she's actually a vegetarian, which I was really excited about! In Peru, they eat a light breakfast and a heavy lunch. She says that she generally does not prepare dinner. She has also lent me the use of her computer, which will be very helpful.

Tomorrow, we start our Spanish classes at the academia and then get a tour of the city of Cusco. I'm so excited to be here and meeting new people. Right now, Peru is going through presidential elections which is really interesting. Once you turn 18 here, you have to vote or you get fined. There are five candidates right now but they go through a series of run-offs. The actual election is June 1. It's exciting to be here when Peru is going through a change in history. I guess the thing that shocked me the most was the fact that all of the advertisements are very westernized. Instead of having the native people on the billboards, they are plastered with people from America. I wish I could see more of the people of Peru depicted here!

Well, I think I'm going to follow Elisabeth's lead and take a nap. The altitude here makes you feel very weak. I can't wait to get started and explore more of the culture of Cusco. I hope that everyone at home is doing well! I miss you so much, and wish that you could be right here with me. <3 Also, I have no idea how to write blogs, so if you have any suggestions/questions I should answer, please let me know!

Love always,
Chels :)

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