Sunday, May 15, 2011

Machu Picchu

I am writing this from an internet cafe in Aguas Calientes, a small tourist town with natural hot springs. It´s beautiful here, but it´s almost too touristy and I absolutely hate that! It´s still so interesting to me to see the people from all around the world, especially students, who are drawn to Peru to study and explore. Maybe it´s just me and my small town attitude, but I didn´t actually realize how many people try to travel the world! Just sitting here, I can hear English, French, and at Machu Picchu today there was definitely Chinese and Russian.

Well, after waking up early yesterday morning to head to the Academia, we boarded a bus to Ollaytaytambo where we caught a train to Machu Picchu. The whole trip took about 4 hours. I really enjoyed the train ride, but I always do. It was so peaceful, and we had a beautiful view of all the mountains and what I believe was the Sacred River. We stopped in Aguas Calientes, where we checked into our hotel before enjoying a really nice Peruvian buffet. Afterwards, we followed Victor, our tour guide, along the train tracks to a beautiful waterfall! It was about an hour and a half walk, but it was definitely worth it. We were actually in the jungle, and the plants were so big and beautiful! It rained, which made me feel like I was in some scene from a movie or something. After that, we had a quick break before heading to the natural hot springs. The water was really nice, but it was crowded and they had built it to man-made so it was basically like a hot tub. When I got back to the hotel (I´m rooming with LinLin and Hyeoung, some really nice girls!) I had a hot shower with actual water pressure. It made me so happy! Then I went to dinner and collapsed from being so exhausted.

This morning, I woke up at around 3 a.m. to hike up Awanapicchu. They only allow 400 people to hike it a day, and we had to be one of the 200 who got to hike it at 7 am. Luckily, everything went smoothly and we all got our tickets. The hike was steep and long, but definitely worth it. I hung out in the back with Dr. Seals, who was so kind to me . . . there was one point where I was really out of breath and he told me I was doing great and to just take my time. LinLin, Hyeoung, and Adam were nice enough to take it slow with me too. I loved the walk though! It was quite the adrenaline rush. It usually takes about an hour but it took me an hour and fifteen minutes. I was unbelievably proud of myself, and the view was magnificent. We could see all of Macchu Picchu and the Inca Trail. The hike back was easier but also a little bit more scarier because there was a constant fear of falling, but I did just fine. The hiking boots I got for my birthday are so strong and durable . . . Thanks Mom! :) The tour of Macchu Picchu took approximately 2 1/2 hours and everyone was exhausted, but I found it so interesting. Victor says that it was an academy for army men and other students, and it is the only Andean city not found by the Spaniards, possibly because it was abandoned by the time of their conquest. They were so intelligent, and I found all of the monuments, temples, and ways of life so interesting! I just wish I knew more about the history because it is mostly speculation at this point. I don´t even know how to describe it though . . . it was like being taken back in time. In all the museums I have ever been in, none has ever captured the history so well. It truly is a great wonder of the world.

Well, I´m sorry to cut this short, but I only have 5 minutes of time left on the computer and our train leaves in about 45 minutes for our last night in Cusco.

I love you and will be home soon!

Love always,
Chels :)

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